When we move forward.

Kyle and I have been taking steps one after another, like stones across a river, to get to our new phase of life.

In the span of six months, we will have gotten married, taken 6 different trips, quit or changed jobs, started grad school and moved across the country to a city where we know no one. I once had a mentor tell me that there are three main aspects of life: personal, work and home. She said you never want to make a major change in more than one at any given time. The idea was that while one area was in chaos, the stability in the others would balance it out.

Obviously, I don’t take advice well.

I’d say we’re about half way through the process of uprooting our lives and chaos is a good term for everything about it. The job search, the emotions, the planning, the packing. The leaving behind.

The leaving behind is the hardest so far. Our families, friends and comfort zone almost all exist within a 100 mile radius of our front door. We don’t spend every day with the people we love, but we could. Not having that option will be the scariest part of leaving behind.

But the decision to move forward will be a good one.

There is nothing wrong with being comfortable, but there is something to be said for the options that open up when you depart. We will have a new city to love, new people to share our lives with and the different perspective that comes from being outsiders rather than life-long occupants.

The next adventure will be a good one.

bloom where you are planted